The crew of "Qingyu Nian" responded to the leak of the episode: the news spread on the Internet is false, and the police have been called.

On April 8, the leak of the second episode of the online TV drama "Qingyu Nian" caused a heated debate. In response, the crew of "Qingyu Nian" issued a statement on this, saying that the online links are all false links, and the second season of "Qingyu Nian" is carrying out post productin work. The police have been called for infringement.

The full text is as follows:

Today, we found that some online platforms have widely disseminated the so-called "content of the second season of Qingyu Nian" submitted for review, and found that a large number of false news has been fabricated and fabricated around the series. After verification, the so-called links circulating on the Internet are all false links such as advertising drainage and phishing. Please don’t believe it and protect the safety of personal information and money. At present, the series "Second Season of Qingyu Nian" is being posted productin an orderly manner as planned.

The aforementioned behavior has seriously interfered with the normal production and dissemination of the drama, and infringed the legitimate rights of the producer of the drama. We have reported the above infringement and violation to the police.

Since the preparation of the second season of the drama "Celebration of the Year", it has continued to attract the attention and expectations of the audience. We are deeply honored that the project creation is not easy. Here we also urge everyone to respect the hard work of all the front and back staff of the drama, respect intellectual property rights, and do not listen to or believe in misinformation.

We will take rights protection actions including but not limited to administrative complaints, civil lawsuits, etc., and investigate relevant losses and compensation for relevant parties who use the name of the relevant parties of the "Qing Yu Nian" drama series to engage in illegal drainage, illegal dissemination of drama content, and other serious violations of the rights and interests of the producer. If suspected of criminal offenses, it will be reported to the public security organ for handling according to law.