"Extreme Challenge" does not "itch" for seven years

In the seventh season, Dragon TV’s "Extreme Challenge" still maintained its consistent popularity.

>After the latest issue of "Macau Special" was broadcast, a number of related topics such as #Jia Nailiang shouting Yue Yunpeng I love you #, #Lei Jiayin Deng Lun helping passers-by find a partner #, #Deng Lun Yueyunpeng watching Lalang video reaction #caused heated discussions on Weibo, and one after another rushed into Weibo’s trending topic list.

>Looking further ahead, the seventh season of "Extreme Challenge" has been leading the Sunday evening viewing market since go LIVE, ranking first in the six networks for three consecutive weeks, and the fifth audience rating has broken 3% in one fell swoop, setting a new record for variety viewing since the beginning of 2021.

>On the social media side, the show has now won more than 100 hot searches across the network, including #Lei Jiayin Deng Lun holding hands #, #Huang Minghao splashed Jia Nailiang’s water on himself #, #Is Jia Nailiang coming back from the construction site #, #Li Qin let Princess Deng Lun hug Sun Yue #and other related topics are top of Weibo’s trending topic list.

>This kind of achievement is not easy for a veteran variety show IP entering its sixth year, and perhaps only "Extreme Challenge" can achieve it.

>When the outdoor reality TV market went through a blowout year, the aesthetic changes of the audience, the rise of online variety shows, and the diverse development of entertainment methods all urged every show in it to make changes. Survival of the fittest, many followers were quickly eliminated in a short period of time, and there were very few "comprehensive N generation" who could persist until now and were still talked about by the audience.

>Here it is.Entertainment StudioA very important reason for continuing to pay attention to "Extreme Challenge" – in the face of a younger audience and a more complex competitive environment, "Extreme Challenge" has made its own choices and completed iterative updates in the midst of change and change.

>Although there are more and more variety shows now, "Extreme Pick" will always be an irreplaceable one.

>Extreme Challenge Season 7 poster

Find the most suitable "Extreme Boys Group"

>In recent years, although the variety show market has become increasingly diverse, and large-scale head projects with video platforms as the main body have been emerging, large-scale outdoor reality TV shows have become scarce content.

>The consensus in the industry is that the production cost and operation difficulty of super-large outdoor reality shows are high, and it is also a big challenge to the physical strength of the guests. It is not a type of program that can be easily "started".

>In between, many shows are also facing the reality of changing the fixed guest lineup. Looking at the current variety show market, some shows adhere to the principle of traffic first, gathering new idols with fan appeal; some shows target the hot search public opinion field and invite the current topics or controversial characters.

>What "Extreme Challenge" needs to find is not "traffic" and "topic", but people who can truly continue the "extremely challenging spirit".

>At first, the arrival of Lei Jiayin, Yue Yunpeng, Wang Xun, Jia Nailiang, Guo Jingfei, and Deng Lun was accompanied by some controversy. The addition of Huang Minghao this season also made some old fans worry about whether the program was going to be "stale", but now looking back, Huang Minghao showed his super skiing skills in the Winter Olympic Games special from the beginning. The second phase of the fire alarm made many people take off their "tinted glasses" for the members of the men’s team.

>Extreme Challenge Season 7 Winter Olympics Special

>I have to sigh at the accuracy of the program team’s vision, the current "extreme boy group" is indeed suitable.

>First of all, the "Extreme Boys" didn’t care at all about what the burden of idols was. Here, everyone could always be mobilized with a high desire to win or lose, not perfunctory, but to win every round of the game, and even give up their image for the effect of the show. This is one of the magic powers of "Extreme Challenge".

>Perhaps only here can the audience see the "limited Deng Lun" without makeup or shaving, because everyone doesn’t care about appearance, and even the parties sometimes can’t help but laugh at themselves: "Am I still a love bean?"

>"Extreme Challenge" Season 7, Deng Lun emoji

>In the second episode of the program, in order to welcome the arrival of the flying guest Gong Jun, the program team first set up a back-to-back voting test of tacit understanding, and the member who received the most votes in each round was punished by spraying cream. At first, everyone was still concerned about their image, covering their faces with towels for fear that they would be sprayed. After a few rounds, they gradually let go of themselves, and even the members led by Guo Jingfei began to "challenge" the program team, trying to plug the ejector with their mouths without flinching.

>Secondly, challenging oneself is important, but only those who truly know and care about each other will use their true feelings to evoke emotional resonance in the audience.

>In the seventh season of "Extreme Challenge", Yue Yunpeng was sprayed with cream

>In the latest episode of the show, the "Yue Liang" group Yue Yunpeng and Jia Nailiang lost in the first round of the game and had to go to the landmark Macau Tower for a high-altitude mission challenge, and both of them happened to be afraid of heights.

>After watching so many variety shows, it has become "ordinary" to create specific situations to expose the weaknesses of the guests in order to generate a sense of viewing joy and amuse the audience. What is rare is that under such circumstances, the audience sees the sublimation of emotions between members.

>The director’s team asked the guests to stand on the edge of the sky, take pictures with half a foot in the air, and let go of their hands grasping the rope. At first, Yue Yunpeng did not dare to stand on the edge of the stand. When Jia Nailiang found that his companion was more nervous than himself, although he was very afraid, he went over to make a sample of Yue Yue first, and then kept encouraging him – "I love you, come quickly", "Come on Yue Yue! Come on", "I love you!" Extremely picky ".

>Because they knew each other well and cared about each other, Jia Nailiang saw the fear in Yue Yunpeng’s eyes, and could quickly choose an effective way to help him work together to overcome his fear. He had to be close enough to present such a picture.

>After the show aired, #Jia Nailiang shouted Yue Yunpeng I love you #on Weibo’s trending topic list, and netizens’ comments were also very accurate: "Burning, funny and a little moved!"

>"Extreme Challenge" Level 7 Macau Special, Jia Nailiang + Yue Yunpeng Bungee Jumping

The humanistic concern behind the challenge

>In many cases, it is difficult for audiences to reduce "Extreme Challenge" to simply a variety show.

>For several seasons, the thinking about life and the re-staring at real life it has triggered have been strong labels that distinguish them from many similar shows, and have therefore been raised to the height of "National Variety" by audiences.

>Here, the setting of the game has never been purely for fun and grandstanding, but to break down the seemingly grand motif and integrate it into every part of the program, experiencing the local customs of the shooting location from the specific task game, and conveying the humanistic care under the camera.

>In the latest episode of the show, "Extreme Boys" came to Macau, which is strange and familiar to most people. Unfamiliarity is an objective result of geographical distance. Many people, including the vast majority of "Extreme Boys" members, have never been to Macau before. But the public is so familiar with its attractions, cuisine, and historical background that they have been exposed to and memorized relevant information almost from an early age.

>"Extreme Challenge" Season 7, Macau Special

>If you follow the "convention" of previous variety shows, filming in Macau may focus on some familiar attractions, win the right to taste the local cuisine through some games, and quickly complete a visit to a city. But this issue of "Extreme Challenge" obviously has a deeper meaning.

>Under the first attraction, the Great Sanba Archway, the program team cleverly set up a task of "looking for fellow villagers". Originally, it was thought that victory was a little out of reach, and even Guo Jingfei quickly gave up looking for Beijingers whose ID cards started with "110", but after the actual inquiry, the audience saw waves of scenes of "fellow villagers meet fellow villagers".

>Whether among tourists or people who work, study or settle in Macau, there are many friends from various provinces and cities in the motherland. Yue Yunpeng and Wang Xun quickly put together their own "Henan team" and "Sichuan team", and the program also uses this link to tell the audience that Macau is not estranged from us.

>"Extreme Challenge" Season 7 Macau Special, Yue Yunpeng, Wang Xun

>There are many other such manifestations: for example, the program team also specially set the theme of this issue as "Connection", turning items such as "historical ties" and "concentric locks" into rewards after successful challenges, requiring all members to connect together at the end, otherwise they will be punished by bungee jumping. This is also another side of the implication that Macau, as one of the four central cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, is playing the role of an engine and is closely connected with the mainland.

>The members of the "Extreme Men’s Group" set off from Zhuhai this time, and it took only more than 20 minutes to drive to Macau through the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. They also used their personal experience to convey to the audience that the geographical distance between Macau and the mainland is rapidly "shortening".

>When Wang Xun and Guo Jingfei ran to the fortress to complete the task of shooting "from the same angle as the old photo", they found that more than a hundred years had turned the opposite mountain into a high-rise building, and continuous trees had blocked a corner of the big Sanba archway. The scene in front of them had changed.

>But everyone is happy: "It means that the new life is revived and rising." This is the current Macau.

>"Extreme Challenge" Season 7 Macau Special, Guo Jingfei, Wang Xun

The Self-Mission of "National Variety"

>To some extent, the label of "national variety show" means that it has to take more responsibilities, and at the same time it has to become a pioneer and executor of policies.

>In June 2017, the China Network Audiovisual Program Service Association passed and released the "General Rules for Content Review of Online Audiovisual Programs", which specifically proposed that reality TV programs should reduce the number of celebrities participating, increase the proportion of ordinary people participating, and let the masses become the protagonists of the programs. Simply put, it is to advocate the combination of stars and elements.

>Driven by this policy, major satellite TV channels have successively launched multi-star variety shows, but the audience rating and influence are relatively average, far from the head variety shows. At the same time, several head variety shows have also begun to adjust the theme of the show and the game link settings, often through the "Hundred Challenge", "Thousand Challenge", or by giving the identity of "special guest" to increase the proportion of amateurs, in order to digest the corresponding policy.

>However, the way of combining star elements also has high and low levels. Successful production will make the two complement each other, so that the program has both "star" and "temperature".

>"Extreme Challenge" Season 7

>For example, in the latest episode of the show, Deng Lun and Lei Jiayin challenged the "extreme dating activity" on the streets of Macau – the two have turned into "Yue Lao" to help passers-by go on blind dates. When they meet girls, they will seriously ask each other about their love views and friend selection standards. Lei Jiayin will even ask in advance "do you want to be in a relationship" and repeatedly confirm "are you single". After all are confirmed, they will further search for eligible male passers-by to build a bridge of love for single men and women.

>In this question and answer, the guests and passers-by naturally conveyed a correct and safe concept of love and friendship, which is not direct or didactic, but entertaining and acceptable.

>"Extreme Challenge" Season 7 Macau Special, Lei Jiayin, Deng Lun

>There was also a second episode that left many viewers in tears – a daily experience of firefighters. The "Extreme Boys" came to the Shanghai Fire Rescue Corps, went through rigorous training under the leadership of real firefighters, and finally was placed in a simulated, realistic fire site and collapse site, and welcomed high-intensity actual combat drills.

>When the members finished the task and took off their masks, everyone was sweating profusely as if they had just come out of the water, so tired that they couldn’t say a complete sentence. But without further words, the tens of thousands of viewers across the screen seemed to have personally felt the hardships and efforts of the firefighters, and knew how to understand the persistence and difficulty of each firefighter.

>"Extreme Challenge" Season 7 Firefighter Special

>Overall, rather than directly inviting amateurs as special guests and game members in a certain link, the seventh season of "Extreme Challenge" is more about actively allowing guests to go to the streets and directly return to real life, becoming one of thousands of people, smoothing the relationship between celebrities and amateurs, and better integrating stars.

>"Extreme Challenge" never leaves the audience with a brain-popping laugh. It always strives to make everyone actually discover, respect, and understand different people, different lives, and different worlds. Perhaps that’s why the show is still "young" after six years and seven seasons.

>"Extreme Challenge""Season 7